Allcap’s founders have their roots in the newsroom, and we continue to operate in print and digital journalism, delivering multimedia stories, CMS management and social media engagement. As part of our association with the ABP Group, we manage end-to-end content for two of The Telegraph Online’s top sections, My Kolkata and Entertainment.

Launched in September 2021, My Kolkata showcases the city’s stories, people, places, and diaspora. The Entertainment section covers films, TV shows, OTT and documentaries. Our team of reporters, editors, photographers, social media experts and technical staff curates around 20 stories daily for both sections.

This partnership with the ABP Group is a rare collaboration between a startup and a legacy media organisation in India, creating a unique path for future media collaborations.

We’ve also worked with Khaleej Times, Dubai, providing editorial content for their weekend Long Reads section, and handled stories and CMS for power sector websites of a leading global B2B media business.